
Zetland office

Zetland was launched as a digital newspaper in 2016, backed by a small community of engaged Danish citizens who believed in a new path for journalism. The membership grew slowly at first, then quickly. In 2019, we became profitable as a business, and we have continued to grow ever since.

Guided by our community, we strive in every possible way to make journalism contribute to our idea of a healthy democracy. We believe citizens should be well-informed about the present and curious about the future. We want Danish society to gain the wisdom necessary to meet the challenges we face, both locally and globally. Our daily journalism offers a convenient path to becoming the engaged citizens and interesting conversation partners we all aspire to be.

We are not fans of cynicism, clickbait, doomscrolling, oversimplifying the complexities of reality, or overwhelming users with more dramatic headlines than the human mind can process in a lifetime.

Zetland office

We have received international acclaim for our audio journalism, user experience, live journalism, and groundbreaking work in establishing a business model for journalism that is funded, supported, and driven forward by its members. We believe attention is a valuable commodity. We have never run an ad. Our rent is paid by those who find value and meaning in our work – a business model we find extremely meaningful.

Zetland is run by a team of more than 50, mostly journalists and developers. We serve more than 40,000 members, representing one percent of the adult Danish population. While we're in the business of journalism, we're more than that. We think of ourselves as a movement that champions a well-informed, engaged, and empowered society.

Our product seamlessly blends audio with text in our award-winning app. With 50 percent of our members under the age of 35, we demonstrate that young people are (of course!) eager to understand the world they are a part of – they simply desire journalism that resonates on a human level. No formal attire behind a desk. No sensationalist headlines about the worst possible outcomes. No flood of information. Instead, we offer knowledgeable humans who are transparent about their motivations and tell stories in ways that make you want to listen and engage with the world, as it is and as it could be.

The six principles behind our journalism